Tuesday, April 30, 2013

blog 25: Completed rough draft

It started at the Starbucks on campus.  I sat at an open table with my headphones on, listening to Bruce Springstein’s “I’m on Fire,” while I wrote a creative piece.  Then, all of a sudden, it hit me—How was the Boss’ song influencing my writing?  Well, not so much Bruce, but music in general.  I never thought about it prior to that day.  But it was a reasonable question for my research project.  
Just think about it, nowadays most of us can’t even function without listening to music.  I know I can’t.  Whether I am doing homework or writing, I’m listening to music.  When homework seems unbearable, I play upbeat music to help elevate the stress.  When I am writing, I use slow music to get me in the mood, to help me think faster, to give me ideas.  Music helps me—but, does music have the same affect on others?  More importantly, does listening to familiar music opposed to unfamiliar music help or hinder the writing process of college students?  A recent study conducted by Sarah E. Ransdell and Leonard Gilroy concluded with  music having a negative impact on the student’s writing process.
Literature Review
In 2001, the article “The effects of background music on word processed writing” by Sarah E. Ransdell and Leonard Gilroy was published in Computers in Human Behavior.  The purpose of their study was to determine, “whether background music disrupts [college students] ability to word process fluently and effectively” (141).  
Prior to the experiment, the researchers administered a questionnaire to the 45 volunteer college students.  The questionnaire revealed that, “67% [of the participants] had been trained to sing or play a musical instrument, [and] 51% sometimes listened to music while word processing” (143). Afterwards, the participants were tested.  The procedure used for gathering data goes as follows:
All subjects participated in both the silent and music conditions.  Participants wrote two 10-min essays using a simple word processor, first in a silent control condition, and second with one of the following, instrumental music, vocal music, or both.  The silent control will henceforth be compared to simply the “music” condition since none were reliably different from one another on any dependent measure.  Participants wore headphones in both conditions and were not required to respond or make any judgments; participants were told to concentrate on writing.  They were told to write as if writing for a professor in class...The two 10-min essays were written on the following topics: the best possible college class, best possible college instructor, best possible 
boyfriend/girlfriend, and best possible vacation (145). 
It should also be noted that participants were not familiar to any of the music they were listening to.  
In order to determine if music affects word processing, Ransdell and Gilroy looked at the student’s writing fluency, average sentence length, and the percentage of long pauses, and writing quality(144).  Writing fluency, sentence length, and percentage of long pauses were measured using FauxWord—a computer program.  On the other hand, writing quality was judged by student peers and was based on organization, technical quality, word choice and arrangement, content, purpose, audience, and tone (144).  
After collecting all the data, Ransdall and Gilroy found that, “the music condition significantly slowed word processed fluency with mean words generated per minute at 18.8 in the silent control condition and 17.8 in the music condition” (145).  As for effectiveness or quality, “it was not significantly reduced by the music condition” (146).  However, the study also showed that, “[w]riters who had high writing span, or who had some musical training wrote essays of higher quality...” (146).  *Writing span is the memory needed for writers to link sentences (142).  In their conclusion, Ransdall and Gilroy write, “One’s writing fluency is likely to be disrupted by both vocal and instrumental music.  And quality will be especially poor if one also has relatively poor memory skill and limited musical training” (147).
Although, this article blatantly blames bad writing on background music, it doesn’t take into account the student’s own musical choices.  If the students in Ransdall and Gilroy’s experiment were given the choice to pick their favorite musician or genre of music, how would the study differ?  
My goal in doing this research is to determine if familiar music helps students during their writing process.  The subject of listening to familiar music while writing is important to discuss since many students listen to unfamiliar music and ambient noise while writing.
I chose to conduct an interview which I transcribed for textual analysis.  I chose this method to get a personal account on the research topic.  For my research, I interviewed S at a Barnes and Noble.  S is a college senior and honor student.  She is majoring in English with emphasis in professional writing.  She has never played a musical instrument; however, she did sing in a choir when she was younger.  Nonetheless, her days in choir are very much in her past.  S has been writing since second grade and started writing frequently in her diary at 11.  It wasn’t until college that S started listening to music while writing.  S normally writes with a pad and pencil at her desk while music is playing over her laptop.  The music is not random; hence, she has a playlist dedicated for when she writes.  Her playlist consists of 16 songs, most of by John Mayer. 
After the interview I transcribed data.  I labeled S’s speech in five distinct ways: 1)CAPITAL LETTERS=stress on words, which is higher in pitch from her normal voice.
2) Italicized Words=fast talk, which is faster in speech than her normal talk. 
3) Underlined Words=low voice tone, which is lower in pitch and smoother than her normal talk.
4) Regular words=normal talk.
5) [laughing]=Indicates that S laughed.
*In some instances during the transcription I labeled the dialogue with two indicators.
The Presentation and Analysis of the Data
This data will focus on the following: Listening to music while studying and writing; familiar music’s influence on the writing process (i.e. brainstorming, drafting, and/or revision); and how listening to familiar music while writing positively effects a writing environment.
Familiar music is music known and liked by the subject.  It is music that the subject listens to regularly.  This music can be found on the subject’s iPod, MacBook, or any other listening device.  
Unfamiliar music is music unknown by the subject.  It is music that the subject does not listen to.  
Upbeat music is most commonly known as techno/house music. This type of music is often associated with dance clubs. It is known for its fast tempo.  During the analysis S says, “I don’t really like...like loud and like...upbeat when I write, going out that’s a different story.”  When S says this she is referring to club music.
A Writing Environment is a state in which writing occurs.  A positive writing environment fosters creativity and fluency while writing.  A negative writing environment will cause the opposite effect---stifled creativity and fluency while engaged in writing.   
Listening to music while studying and writing: 
College students often listen to music while committing themselves to studious activities (i.e. studying and reading).  Similar to college students, S listens to music while actively engaging in many activities.  In the following excerpt, S will discuss when she listens to music and how music affects her.   
R: The ambient noise and background music is in effect right now.  What other activities do you do while you are listening to music?
S: What do you mean? Like other things?
R: Yeah.  Do you run
S: Work out. In the car. When I’m driving. Uhm...when I’m getting READY.  When I’m in the SHOWER [laughing].
R: Do you have headphones on?
S: No[laughing].
R: Why? Why do you listen to music while you are running or working out?
S: Well, I don’t listen to the same music while I’m working out. BUT when I listen to music when I’m not working out, it just MAKES ME FEEL GOOD [laughing].
R: What about when you’re doing homework? Do you listen to music?
S: YEAH, but I can’t listen to like upbeat music when I’m doing homework. Cuz then I just start like...I can’t concentrate.
R: Yeah, does it help you study better or help you do your homework better?
S: Uhm, I don’t STUDY when, I don’t listen to music when I study. But I listen to music when I like write things or when I’m doing something else.

S listens to music while working-out, driving, getting ready for school, and writing; though, the music S listens to while working-out is different from the music she writes to.  S says, “Well, I don’t listen to the same music while I’m working out. BUT when I listen to music when I’m not working out, it just MAKES ME FEEL GOOD [laughing].”  It is evident in the following quote that S listens to workout-specific music while exercising and other music when she isn’t working-out.  However, S makes a point to emphasis “but” to include music’s influence on her emotions.  In S’s case, the music that she listens to outside from exercising makes her “feel good.”  The fact that S’s voice pitches and speeds up on “MAKES ME FEEL GOOD” confirms a pleasant emotion.  The laughing at the end of S’s answer indicates comfort.  
Towards the end of this excerpt, S’s language turns negative and serious when she is asked to discuss her music listening habits when she engages in homework and/or studying.  Regarding the completion of homework while listening to music, S says, “YEAH, but I can’t listen to like upbeat music when I’m doing homework. Cuz then I just start like...I can’t concentrate.”  The beginning of this statement (i.e. YEAH, but...) indicates conflict between music and homework.  S then states that she can’t listen to upbeat music while doing homework because it affects her concentration.  S associates upbeat music with dance clubs.  When she is asked about studying to music, she says, “Uhm, I don’t STUDY when, I don’t listen to music when I study. But I listen to music when I like write things or when I’m doing something else.”  S places emphasis on “study” to make a point that she doesn’t listen to music while studying.  Afterwards, S changes the topic from studying to music to listening to music while writing, which implies that S would rather speak about writing and listening to music.  S’s backtracking indicates that she feels differently when studying than from writing.        
This excerpt implies a few things about music’s influence on writing.  First, music has a specific function for each activity.  And in this excerpt S explains certain circumstances when she listens to specific music.  Second, music can evoke emotions.  Third, music can cause people to associate it with other environments.  Lastly, this excerpt shows that studying and writing are two separate entities that require different habits.  In this instance, studying---which is a combination of reading comprehension, memory, understanding, and in some instances writing---requires the student’s full attention.  On the other hand, writing to music does not seem to hinder this student’s writing process. 
Familiar music’s influence on the writing process (i.e. brainstorming, drafting, and/or revision)
In the following excerpt, S discusses listening to music during the writing process.  She discusses how music affects her brainstorming, drafting, and revision. 
R: Do you think that music affects your brainstorming and drafting and revising, like have you ever listened to a different set of music when your brainstorming to when you’re actually writing, to where your revision process and your actually draft.  Do you listen to different music then also? 
S: Uhm, I GUESS its different because when I’m brainstorming or coming up with ideas its like just random songs that like make me THINK. And I guess when I already have an idea and I’m writing, I’ll like listen to something like more like JOHN MAYER.  Something that I’m used to.
R: Is it because its something soothing?
S: YEAH.  I think so.
R: That’s what it sounds like to me.
S: And THEN, uhm, and then, actually when I REVISE, I like read out loud a lot to myself. So, I don’t think I listen to music when I do that. Cuz I think I read the same over and over and over again, like out loud.  And people might think, I’m
R: Crazy?
S: And my mom walks by and she’s like ‘what are you doing?’

When S discusses brainstorming and drafting, she says, “Uhm, I GUESS its different because when I’m brainstorming or coming up with ideas its like just random songs that like make me THINK. And I guess when I already have an idea and I’m writing, I’ll like listen to something like more like JOHN MAYER.  Something that I’m used to.”  In this quote S explains that she listens to random songs during brainstorming; however, during revision S listens to John Mayer---an artist she knows.  Her language in this quote implies thought into the question; hence, it begins with “Uhm, I GUESS.”  S’s emphasis on “THINK” and “JOHN MAYER” define her actions during brainstorming and drafting.  When S talks about Revision
she says, “And THEN, uhm, and then, actually when I REVISE, I like read out loud a lot to myself. So, I don’t think I listen to music when I do that. Cuz I think I read the same over and over and over again, like out loud.  And people might think, I’m---”  Unlike brainstorming and drafting, S can’t listen to music when she revises.  The emphasis on “THEN” and “REVISE” indicates she is retelling her experience when she revises.  S speeds up her speech when she says, “I don’t think I listen to music when I do that.”  The increase in S’s language may imply that she is confident and/or uncomfortable with the answer; confidence in her speech because she is able to form the answer without indicating thought, and uncomfortable because she speeds through her answer.  Her uncomfortable feeling is associated with listening to music while writing.  At the end of S’s statement, she explains why she doesn’t listen to music: “Cuz I think I read the same over and over and over again, like out loud.  And people might think, I’m---”  Again, S is gathering her thoughts in this statement.  She then makes a point about revision when she says, “I read the same over and over and over again.”  S explains that during revision she reads her writing multiple times.  Because S repeats, “over and over and over again,” it implies that revision is a dedicated process which involves intense reading.  
Again, this excerpt shows many links to familiar music’s influence on the writing process.  Listening to music while brainstorming and drafting can positively assist the writer during the writing process.  Randomly selected familiar songs can conjure up ideas while brainstorming.  During drafting, replaying a steady stream of familiar music can help with fluency during writing.  On the other hand, listening to music while revision may be counterproductive.  Revision involves reading comprehension, which can be interrupted when listening to music.  
Listening to familiar music while writing positively effects a writing environment
In the following excerpt, S describes a specific instance when she wrote to music while traveling into New York City.
S: Mmhmm. And I was on the train. And then i was, cuz I was in a BAD mood.  I was writing about how going into the city SUCKED.  And it was like a little short story. And it was kinda FUNNY.  I liked it.
R:  What were you listening to? Do you remember? John Mayer again?
S: Uhm, NO I think I just had it on like SHUFFLE.
R: Uhm, how do you think it effected your writing? Were you more creative?  Do you think it affected you at all while you were writing?
S: Well, YEAH.  I like, well it helps me like zone-zone out from everyone else, I guess.  And, uhm, I think ACTUALLY, wow this is making me THINK, actually I think its better if I don’t listen to the same songs over and over again.  Cuz like each song kind like, cuz each song makes you THINK like a different kind a way.
R: So, but you try not to listen to the lyrics? Just the beat?
S: Mmhmm.
R: Or the rhythm?
S: Yeah. BUT sometimes, uhm, I am listening to a song and then I get an idea.  
R: Okay. What do you mean by that? You get an idea?
S: Like I’ll be in a TRAIN and I’ve been listening to a lot more music now because I commute so much and I like don’t like conversing with people.  So, I’ll like listen to music and then I’ll be listening to music, and then I always have like my teen vogue [laugh] pad with me and then I’ll like WRITE, cuz I listen to a certain song.  I’m trying to think of an example of something.

S’s story begins with her traveling into the city for work.  She says, “Mmhmm. And I was on the train. And then i was, cuz I was in a BAD mood.  I was writing about how going into the city SUCKED.  And it was like a little short story. And it was kinda FUNNY.  I liked it.”  S is retelling the story as if she was there.  She says that she was in a bad mood during this time.  Her emphasis on “BAD” and “SUCKED” implies a negative tone, which would satisfy her bad mood; however, her tone turns positive when she talks about writing her short story to music while on the train.  “And it was kinda FUNNY.  I liked it.”  The emphasis on “FUNNY” defines her thoughts on her story.  And the tone in which she says, “I liked it” confirms her feelings towards her written story.  Later in the story when S is asked about how listening to music on the train effected her, she says, “Well, YEAH.  I like, well it helps me like zone-zone out from everyone else, I guess.  And, uhm, I think ACTUALLY, wow this is making me THINK, actually I think its better if I don’t listen to the same songs over and over again.  Cuz like each song kind like, cuz each song makes you THINK like a different kind a way.”  When S says, “Well, YEAH” the emphasis implies agreement, in that, music helped her.  She later says that music helped her zone-out from the environment she was in.  According to S, “zoning-out” is a state of mind in which she is able to write creatively and fluently.  
As witnessed in this excerpt, music can create a positive writing environment despite a negative atmosphere.  By listening to music while writing, the listener can “zone-out” from physical and emotional stressors.  Additionally, as stated earlier and seen in this excerpt, music promotes creativity and fluency in writing.
Music, unfamiliar and familiar, effects the writing process.  Whereas, the research conducted by Ransdell and Gilroy proved that listening to unfamiliar music during writing disrupts fluency and quality, listening to familiar music while writing can benefit the writer in a few ways.  
First, listening to familiar music while writing can evoke emotions.  This is important because it creates a positive writing environment.  A positive writing environment creates productivity.  Second, listening to familiar music that’s shuffled during the process of brainstorming helps conjure ideas, as well as, place the writer in a solitary mental state.  As a writer, ideas are imperative in forming a well-written paper, essay, or creative piece.  Being in a solitary mental status, separated from your environment, provides more focus on task at hand.   Third, listening to familiar music while drafting establishes a comfortable writing environment.  A comfortable writing environment fosters fluency in writing; hence, the writer’s attention is not lost to negative environment influences.    

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