Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Blog 28: Evaluation of Research Paper

Data Analysis: (280/300)
-Blogs: 21, 22, 23, 24
-Blog 21: Transcript:
     -Despite having a well thought out set of questions prior to the interview, I actually lost focus while conducting it.  However, I didn't realize this error until I transcribed the interview.  I asked way too many yes/no questions and not enough open ended ones.  What I should have done was have the subject expand upon her thoughts.  Nonetheless, after I sat and analyzed the data, I realized the content was pertinent and important to discuss in the research paper.
-Blog 22: Data Analysis:
     -The analysis is split into 7 different categories, which I later try to link to the overall research question.  The writing quality in the analysis isn't great; however, it was purposely written as so to introduce ideas.  The categories are pertinent to my research question and logical.
-Blog 23: Methods & Beginning of Analysis & Blog 24: More Analysis
     -This blog shows the evolution of my analysis process.  It shows how I filtered my categories down to 3 important topics.  The writing quality is much better.  The discussion of music's effects on college writing seems logical.  However, there needs to be a stronger connection between the categories and the research topic.
*Overall, I feel like I did a decent job on my analysis.  The blogs show how I coned down my analysis and focused my ideas to the research question.  The categories seem logical.  However, the main ideas linking back to the research topic are barely peaking above average.

Writing process: (95/100)
-Blogs: 18, 23, 24, 25, 26
-Blog 18: Introduction and Literature Review
     -The introduction and literature review are a good start.  Its basically a rough draft of convoluted ideas.  It needed touching up, but it was my rough draft.
-Blog 23: Methods & Beginning of Analysis & Blog 24: More Analysis
     -Not a bad start.  Again, it needs some touching up. The block quotes seem extraneous and may need to be removed.  I also need more connection between my points and the research question.
-Blog 25: Complete rough draft
     -I wrote this prior to any feedback.  I thought the block quotes were important to my research, but after I received feedback from Dr. Chandler, I had to rethink their purpose.  She also noted that I need to make a stronger connection between what my analysis said and how it related to the research question.
-Blog 26: Revised draft
     -I deleted the block quotes from paper and tried to strengthen my points back to the focus.  Afterwards, I checked my spelling and grammar.
-Blog 27: Presentation of research project
     -I revised the areas that were commented on and included points within my paper to address the student's choice.
*There has been much progress made towards the completion of my research paper.  The writing process shows growth in the analysis.  It also shows the changes I have made to clarify and strengthen my points.  I have deleted the block quotes and focused my points back to my research topic.  Overall, I think I did a great job.

Essay: (95/100)
-Focus 28/30:
clear statement of the research question(s) + the importance of the research and what it shows 6
direct statement of what the data shows 6
set up any background information necessary for the reader to understand the focus 6
appropriate choice of research essays 6
data is connected to the focus/makes points with the respect to the focus 4

-Audience 23/25:
uses the correct forms for research essays 8.3
uses language the ways it is used in the sample research essays 7
draws authority from other research and the logic of the argument 8.3

-Organization 19/20:
data is presented in the right place 4
one idea leads logically to the next 4
definitions/data/categories are presented and explained before they are used or referred to 4
uses headings + paragraphing in ways suitable for the material 4
each section develops the focus in a different way 3

-Development 20/20:
detailed examples from the data to support the points 5
says what the examples show 5
connects to the discussion of the research 5
develops an in-depth (not obvious) discussion of what the data shows 5

-Correctness 5/5:
writing sufficiently so as not to confuse the meaning 2.5
not so many errors to distract rom the meaning of the text 2.5

Data Analysis: 280/300
Writing Process: 95/100
Paper: 95/100

Total: 470/500

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